How-To Guide


How to Borrow?

Once you deposit assets and enabled it as collateral to back your loans on Unitus, you can go to the Dashboard and select the asset you wish to borrow, and enabled Go to the Dashboard and select the asset you wish to deposit into Unitus in order to start earning.

On the asset page, enter the amount of the asset you wish to borrow, or simply click on the maximum amount suggested by Unitus to ensure your Adequacy Ratio remains above 1 and avoid the risk of liquidation.

The borrowed assets will be sent to your address upon transaction confirmation.

Repay Your Loan

On the Dashboard, you will be able to see all your outstanding loans on the current blockchain. Click on β€˜Repay’ if you wish to exit from your debt position.

For first time users, you will need to enable repayment for each asset it before you can actually pay off your loan.

Enter the amount of borrowed assets you wish to repay or click on β€˜Max’ to repay all.

Once the transaction is confirmed, you are able to regain control of your collateral assets. You can either keep your deposit on Unitus to earn interest, or withdraw your collateral immediately (subject to liquidity of your collateral assets).

Last updated